♫♪  Rob Mazurek - “Alternate Moon Cycles (Waning Crescent)”

WHO. Who among you will blog the Rob Mazurek video? Who dares stare blankly into the screen for nigh on fifteen whole minutes, that flood of white and very, very, very light blue tint that is really almost white? Who dares to allow the bass to grind its way past your epidermal defenses, let the pump organ drill through your pupils and the harmon-muted trumpet peek into your mind, and slowly blow the fucker to bits from the inside out? Who? You know damned well who.

I just did, I guess. Mazurek you may know as post-rock’s perennial go-to guy for all things trumpet and as a permanent member/composer for the indispensable Chicago Underground (Duo and Quartet). This is one of two tracks off what they’re calling his “minimal masterpiece,” a cassette release for a new label called International Anthem, which comes in a hand-carved wooden box. There’s another version of the piece that appears on a vinyl edition as well.

• Rob Mazurek: http://www.robmazurek.com
• International Anthem: http://www.intlanthem.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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