♫♪  Sabriel’s Orb - “Holding”

I have never, ever done this — ever — but I wrote this in a dream last night, and I scrambled to remember it because it was pretty much exactly what I wanted to say. Obviously this isn’t going to be verbatim to what I was thinking as my subconscious mind processed this video, but it’s the gist, and that’s enough. (Although the gif link WAS in it.)

(PS: It was a crummy night’s sleep, by the way. I kept waking up. I normally sleep pretty well.)

What do you see when you look into Sabriel’s Orb? Is it future, or, is it past? Willow Skye-Biggs peers into the milky ink and glimpses shimmering lights, colored nodes, portals to life, to people. The artist formerly known as Stag Hare, Skye-Biggs cloaks herself in the mystery of Sabriel’s Orb, the winking night stretching toward infinite horizons. “Holding” generously pulses and blinks like a beacon guiding you to another world. Burst through and emerge in glittering starlight forever.

Now I must go — these invading space monsters aren’t going to chase themselves!

“Holding” appears on the Sabriel’s Orb / John Atkinson split cassette out August 31 on Whited Sepulchre.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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