♫♪  SAINT PIZZA vs. スポーツのLACROSSE 82-99 - Potty Queen

Parody is probably the ultimate form of flattery. Beyond satire or spoof or ctrl+c&p. So when thinking Potty Queen was dedicated to “all those who had to change their names because of lawsuits” [and the 2013-2014 “broperwave” (which I’m personally unfamiliar with)], I think of all my DJ pals in the city still hustling for the next gig and saying FUCK ALL to w/e they’re being billed as next. But when the turd you’re using for a paddle up shit’s creek was given to you by none other than the local vapor-pizza delivery guy, I believe you call that a Saint Pizza. And no shit, Saint Pizza (a.k.a. Mad Magazine, really) brought スポーツのLACROSSE 82-99 (a.k.a. Burt Reynolds, for REALLY). Oh, and “My weed is here!” a Dozen tiny baggies all with Potty Queen brandishing the clear-plastic. And it tastes like reality.

Remarkably, this is the ninth time Potty Queen has repeated itself inside my skull. It’s like a candy shop of sounds expertly mixed and edited within itself, looping and twitching throughout the course a vein would pace itself after overdosing on gluten. But this time, it’s in name of cavernous, toilet plunging, finding treasures within the flush of a winking brown-eye. Yet stabilized on the elegance of maintaining a music-production patience that’s equally hear during each gaseous admittance released into the air. The aroma is overwhelming. My office is completely baked. I’ve been playing Potty Queen on repeat throughout the sales floor. Everyone is on the phone. Everyone is selling the new SAINT PIZZA vs. スポーツのLACROSSE 82-99. Rolled. Shit out. Stoned. Party, tho:

“Live long, stay sporty strong, pizza party on.”

• Saint Pizza: https://saintpizza.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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