♫♪  Single Lash - “Dead Inside”

After stepping aside for a Slow Pulse with Xander Harris, Nicolas Nadeau is now back in action under the guise Single Lash. With a lingering guitar, Nadeau croon-haunts his vocals along simultaneously blown-out and crystal-clear drumming as “Dead Inside” builds more like a hollow chant in a shell of a human being. Actually, I heard the fellah built an entire metal statue and recorded “Dead Inside” within it. In Texas. But somewhere remote, you know. It might be still there.

As I digress from what rumors I’ve heard (true or false or non-existent), “Dead Inside” really rings in the moods and harkens some of those classic 4AD dark-tones. It’s like hanging in your favorite graffiti scattered local tunnel/pipe that leads to no water or creek, but is just there in case of a flood. Then you play that new Single Lash joint, Soft as Glass and the shadow of music (music can shadow itself in sound as an echo) begins to swell the obstruction. Don’t fall asleep there on a rainy day, though. DUH! Single Lash’s Soft as Glass will be released May 6 on Pour le Corps Records on tape. Scope out the single “Dead Inside” streaming below:

• Single Lash: http://singlelash.bandcamp.com
• Pour le Corps Records: http://www.pourlecorpsmusic.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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