♫♪  Softette - “Under Glass”

When the thermometer starts creeping up in the summer, I hit play on my Steely Dan/jazz-fusion Pandora station and leave it that way until I switch over to brooding indie rock in the fall and winter. Occasionally, something will come along to relieve my significant other from having to hear me repeat the backstory of the guitar solo in “Peg” for the umpteenth time. This summer’s relief comes from Softette, a mellow pop trio out of Chicago. The song we’re premiering is the title track from their debut album, Under Glass. While I could consult a thesaurus and drop adjective after adjective and hit “POST,” I’ll save myself the embarrassment and just say that if you like understated, unpretentious rock, there’s a lot to dig into on this track. Under Glass the cassette drops mid-July via Eye Vybe Records, and you can pre-order right now. Groove on, my beautiful, special people. Groove on ;)

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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