Gearing up the calmer side of outsider rock-and-roll, STATE CHAMPION reigns king of breaking down modern pop trope. By choosing different instruments and stalling vocals, “Don’t Leave Home Without My Love” deteriorates expectation in what’s to come next in the flow of their song. It’s interesting as a summer jammer because STATE CHAMPION is not making it as challenging as it is chill. In addition, the lyrical content’s irony and monotone singing pairs well with the lackadaisical frailty with their pop. Is it the hazy-basement recording sesh or actual emotional stability? Either way, I’m getting a Presidents of the United States of America and Ween vibe from “Don’t Leave Home Without My Love,” and that’s some reappropriation I can fuck with. Maybe a bit of Heatmiser too.
Mostly that “Don’t Leave Home Without My Love” guitar lick got me heated. Like, I swear I never will leave home without it, STATE CHAMPION. And my fiancee will LOVE this violin when she hears it; violins in music like this sorta ring kitschy to me, but don’t mind it either way. Also, the fact that the title is demanding, or a PG-rated threat, makes me chuckle a bit. So grip a glass of spray paint by the bedside, put “Don’t Leave Home Without My Love” on repeat, take that seventh cigarette drag, and pick up STATE CHAMPION’s newest LP Fantasy Error through Sophomore Lounge Records via PRE ORDER PRE ORDER today!
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More about: State Champion