♫♪  Various Artists: Tabs Out #3 - Motion Sickness of Time Travel - “Remixes” [TMT mix]

Damn, son, where’d we find this? A three-and-a-half-minute pu-pu platter of morsels that taste like some sorta miraculous Motion Sickness of Time Travel remixtape? There are 11 bold flavors in all, with distinct notes of Jim Haynes, Imperial Topaz, Hobo Cubes, and more (!!), comin’ down the chute with all the tasty friction of lo-fi, noise, drone, and ambient textures. What a delight!

Well, it looks like the good folks at Tabs Out, one of our favorite cassette podcasts, cooked this one up just for us. The 20-second clip stream herein is but a sampling of their third cassette release (yes, the paid piper is paying up the pipe by his dang self now!), which will be a C60 of multidirectional Motion Sickness flips. Super limited, naturally: aside from the artists themselves (duh!), only chrome Tabs Out donors are getting this one, and not only will it be numbered, but it will also be personally addressed. Death to eBay, rejoice the microlabel; death to your local tapeman!

If this all weren’t zeitgeisty enough, Rachel Evans herself has crafted a found-cat-imagery collage to correspond to each remix, which are coil-bound together and shipped with the tape. Check it check it!

Full list of contributors:

- Aloonaluna & Christopher Fleeger
- Jim Haynes
- Cliffisides
- Imperial Topaz
- Wether
- Grant Evans
- Hobo Cubes
- Mitchell Turner
- Villages
- Lawrence English
- Olli Aarni

• Motion Sickness of Time Travel: http://motionsicknessoftimetravel.blogspot.com
• Tabs Out: http://www.tabsout.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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