♫♪  Vulkano - Neptune Moon

So Neptune Moon is some straight-up DIY film-making zones. And sort of along the lines of greatness in musician-to-short-films such as LDR’s STRONG Tropico FEMINISM and AnCo’s ODDSAC, Vulkano is bringing companion-piece mastership with using hardly anything but your psyche to trip up to the next level of that -delia. There are some definite references here that I don’t recognize, or maybe I do, but don’t want to spoil for y’all. It’s actually a straightforward storyline with rare teller ability.

Vulkano’s Neptune Moon is the companion to Live Wild Die Free, which will be released 7/1 via Vulanomusik. ENJOY THE FLICK!

• Vulkano: https://soundcloud.com/vulkanomusic-1
• Vulkano: https://www.facebook.com/vulkanotheband

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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