♫♪  Whitney K - “Ode to the Old Ways”

When Vancouver’s Konnor Whitney dons his singer-songwriter cap as Whitney K, the world is his oyster po’ boy. His warped, world-weary style channels impressions of Bob Dylan’s early ramshackle poetry and Beck’s outsider experimentation, fleshing out vivid portraits of the gentrified fringes lyrically and melting minds with his lo-fi folk sonically. He’s like the second coming of the Beat Generation unto himself.

Taken from the album Goodnight, out on Maple Death, “Ode to the Old Ways” is a perfect representation of his rambling spirit. Though the whole album was recorded on a four-track called “Moth Insurance” at his old house on Kingsway, the song sounds bigger than it is, with his honest vocals and lysergic guitar at the core of flirtations with warm rolling bass, simple drums, harmonica, whistling, and feminine backing vocals that infinitely expand his universe. Directed by the flamboyant Johnny de Courcy, showing road trip footage and nostalgic scenes from the greater Vancouver area alongside headshots and band performances warped by general tape-worn distortion and ancient VHS effects reminiscent of Bill Baird, the video is the perfect accompaniment. Take a time out from your stream of consciousness, and check it out below.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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