What is more thrilling than a high-speed boat chase? Answer: Rob Feulner creating a video for this collaboration between Montreal’s Aim Low & Les Beyond, featuring a high-speed boat chase (crosscut with some ducks). Seriously goosebump-raising greatness going on with these nine minutes; every single shot of this video is not only interesting and cool to look at, but also downright gripping. It’s the colors, the textures, how the natural composition of the shots in the source VHS videos are so vibrantly (and, to a degree, violently) accented with Feulner’s wax paper-layering style. But the music, yeah, the music is what’s got me clawing the arms of my easy chair like a nervous kitty here — rip-roaring guitars that swell and swell and swell as the action rises and the plot thickens, creeping with intimidating inertia, getting all up in the listener’s/watcher’s business while also psyching out the psyche in more subtle, subconscious ways at the same time.
Feulner’s They Live We Sleep Cassettes imprint is notorious for having rad releases thrown out in ridiculously short runs (like the measly 25 copies he printed of Acheron’s excellent debut tape last year). This Aim Low & Les Beyond tape carries a run of 32, so depending how quickly you can gather up your jaw once you’re through the video, you might want to get on this sucker quick.
• Aim Low: http://aimlow.bandcamp.com
• Les Beyond: http://lesbeyond.wordpress.com
• They Live We Sleep Cassettes: http://theylivewesleepcassettes.tumblr.com
More about: Aim Low & Les Beyond