♫♪  Ari Swan - “Heartless”

“Heartless” by Ari Swan travels that fine line of disinterest and enjoyment for me. Personally, a lot of the melodies and vocal types she draws upon and uses typically puts me out, but because she traverses so much ground, it’s impressive. And the style might be a few years after it’s time, there’s a dedication here that’s beyond just Ari Swan (and Co.) is trying to convey as something progressive. The story and lyrical content being that specific progression. That and the fact that I LOVE never expecting to hear this in a television commercial one day. At times, it made me think “maybe,” but the tight composure this group has on-stage and succinct measure to flow into and out of each other is perfect. Thus, it’s actually a bit of magic that “Heartless” is so impressive to me. Again, give it a shot. The song goes beyond the lyrics, entwines them within layers of musical movements, and takes you exactly to a place you’ve been denying for years.

• Ari Swan: http://ariswan.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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