♫♪  Avril Lavigne - “Let Me Go” (feat. Chad Kroeger)

Just in time for Halloween, here’s the spooky new clip for “Let Me Go,” Avril Lavigne’s duet with ramen-haired hubby Chad Kroeger. It’s not spooky in the sense that there are sk8r skeletons or vampires or anything, no. The real terror comes with the knowledge that the Nickelback frontman may have the ability to transform into elderly groundskeepers at will. Channeling the magical realism of Gabriel Garcia-Marquez, the gothic doubling of the Brontë sisters, and emerging at the 2:01 mark, the EXCITING NEW SONY™ XPERIA TABLET!!! Director Chris Sims turns Avril’s angsty ballad into a poignant contemplation on life, love, and magic. And of course, the Sony™ Xperia Tablet.

Look, if you’re still on the fence, just tune in around the 1:50 mark and tell me that Kroeger’s nu-metalmetamorphosis isn’t the most terrifying thing you’ve seen in your life.


• Avril Lavigne: http://www.avrillavigne.com/us/home
• Chad Kroeger: http://i42.tinypic.com/6r396h.jpg

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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