♫♪  Bebe Gato Tropicano - “The Witch Trip”

“The Witch Trip” is straight up vexing. Don’t even click play above if you’re not ready for a friendly little curse from Bebe Gato Tropicano! Visually, the manipulation of waves and imagery, hallucination and mirage, reality and digital all blend like a great night of drink that you eventually get lost in, can’t find a way out, and wake up on a bench in Time’s Square — until two-seconds ago, all this sound wasn’t pounding throughout your skull.

But the sounds of “The Witch Trip” are where the true power of spell craft kicks in. Warbles like an echo effect from slowing down an Afrika Pseudonamus track. Shockwaves within a horror story that was really just a commercial for shoes, but now you’ve bought the entire brand name set. Trickles that aren’t even echoes at this point, but rare pulses surging throughout your body with the ferocity of a snail sliming along your brain patterns: there’s no more control of your motor functions. Bebe Gato Tropicano has taken control. “The Witch Trip” is now in full effect!

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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