♫♪  Cadu Tenório - “Procissão”

Potentially, Cadu Tenório’s newest video “Procissão” could be the afterwards or awakening of “Fragmentos.” They ARE two from a four video series off his newest tape Vozes, which can be found href=”http://sinewave.com.br/2014/08/cadu-tenorio-vozes-2014/”>here via Sinewave. And awakening IN-DEED, as “Procissão” more like the bad dream one wishes they snap out of in a cold sweat, but instead, it’s the reality that is the nightmare, and that cold sweat is actually blood beading across your forehead. I also weirdly want to say the video is NSFW, but nobody cares about fictional violence these days, so have at it with your coworkers on this one!

Kinda love how all this violence turns into some lady-starchild too. Though the music between the two doesn’t change in sonic atmosphere, the content in both videos direct attention well to the minor notes that vary
in the tracks. “Procissão” is fucking doomed. How will the other two look? Listen below to all four songs on Cadu Tenório’s Vozes and think on it before we post ‘em:

• Cadu Tenório: http://victimnoise.bandcamp.com
• Sinewave: http://sinewave.com.br

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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