Captain Murphy’s other animated clip for “The Killing Joke” is pretty uneventful; Flying Lotus’ Rick Ross-y avatar just strides along toward the middle of the screen, never to stop, never to make his destination. The whole time you’re watching, you keep waiting for some bit of action or, at the very least, a proper psychedelic freakout like this one. Over six months later, the twisted audiovisual offspring of the original “The Killing Joke” makes its debut: a black-and-white video steeped in cartoonish horror — Murphy’s role is played here by a spooky ghoul, who vanishes from the forest scenery in an instant, only to reappear seconds later. Swirly-eyed skulls and shadowy girls add to the anxious mood; it’s fun to look at, but don’t expect any Shining-style peaks.
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