♫♪  Ceticências - “Deus Sabe #2”

Ceticências, the duo comprised of (Grinder fav.) Cadu Tenório and Sávio Queiroz, dropped new Felipe Barsuglia video for the spastic sounds in “Deus Sabe #2,” the first track of their newest release God Knows (dropping late October). In an array of visuals, a midst the frantic and tantric, Ceticências’ “Deus Sabe #2” reaches parts of listeners’ ear drums that are rarely vibrated, traipsing through stutters and ambient spaces, shell and cricket beats, hesitation and completely frontal. “Deus Sabe #2” is legitimately the visuals that appear in my mind when remembering last night. It’s scary how apt this video relates to my memory of all the loud and hazy smoked, gripping all the dipped conversation and hand gestures, complete with inspiration and thought-relapse.

God Knows marks Ceticências’ first album in more than a year, and if “Deus Sabe #2” is merely a chat from a much larger conversation of sounds, then sign me up!

• Ceticências: http://ceticencias.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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