Call in sick tomorrow. It won’t be a lie: after 47 minutes of Merzbow, Mats Gustafsson, and Balázs Pándi, you will no longer be operating at full capacity. I watched the video of the trio’s performance at Oval Space in London on April 14, 2014, and I’m barely here writing this. I’m more ghost than man.
Gustafsson leans over his table of electronics. Sometimes he takes out his saxophone, or another saxophone. Merzbow mangles his freaky oscillator box and commands his own rig of pedals, rack-mounted weaponry, and mixing board. Pandi flits from blastbeats to d-beats to free-jazz cymbal fuckery. They are free, and we are free. Though we aren’t healthy, we have been released.
After the ecstatic assault of last year’s Cuts (which the trio has now adopted as their project name), the gang got back together for another recording. This time, it seems that they brought along one Thurston Moore. For now, all we can do is scrawl one red X on the wall every day until those recordings surface. That, and watch this set again.