♫♪  CY - 905

Sizzlin’ down the staircase. Swirlin’ each step at the side, and then. Vanilla suit vibes signal in waves off foot movements lookin’ like they dousing cig butts. Fog machines each loaded with two ounces of reefer. Smoke surrounding the small theater. Attendees laughing and gazin’ and booging in AND on they seats. CY mixing up a storm on stage after ascending from smoke heaven. Neon numbers nearly visible flicker 905 in a visual thought bubble.

So much drizzle, people. Put in your requests now. Watch the amazing reeler mix music that moonwalks across your nods in the shiniest of shoes with the mellowest of moods. CY all up in your brain chill zones. Take this “TUESTUE” [teaser video] for example. Yeah, we got the obligatory nostalgia visual fetish flaring, you-know you-know, but the smoothness is so viable in stability that you could listen to it a thousand times and continue hearing something new. Now, imagine reeling the new CY 905 tape from EL SERENO RECORDS on a day in the leaves; making a snow angle for hours; standing in the rain at the bus stop; beachin’ like a bum in the sun. Get some CY ASAP via EL SERENO RECORDS, and peep the digital below:

• EL SERENO RECORDS: http://elserenorecords.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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