New future-world masterpiece V O L U M Ξ T R I X X reigns time-travel supreme! As we all know, time travel MAY not exist, but what a better medium to find portals than through the internet. Legit, DIY▲PYЯΛMID has left the physical and entered an entirely digital plane. And none of this Transcendence bull either. DIY▲PYЯΛMID has become purity of the next being and will never transmit as “human” again. From here, V O L U M Ξ T R I X X helps the present world establish sight in an entirely system connected sphere that webs out at all angles, permitting no singular voice, but voices into a peak multitude of grids and code.
Thank goodness for Illuminated Paths too. Apparently, they’re the ones expanding the DIY▲PYЯΛMID portal to the public eye in both analog and digital forms. This way, V O L U M Ξ T R I X X can port it’s way to the beach with y’all and naturally warp every drop of water and grain of sand into an algorithm of levity and pureness of mind. Scope the V O L U M Ξ T R I X X album trailer by DIY▲PYЯΛMID above and fry nodes daily by refreshing the Illuminated Paths webpage for more mind expanding opportunities!
• Illuminated Paths:
More about: DIY▲PYЯΛMID