Now, I didn’t wanna be the person to say it, ‘cause GOLDEN LIVING ROOM is a pretty household name, literally, but this video for “COMPUTER HEALING” looks like a preview to the BEST x-rated Nintendo 64 game EVER! Like, this sorta stuff is so nasty they couldn’t sell it anywhere but the internet, and nobody REALLY understood the internet back then.. accept for them yung-ass vaporwavers. And believe me when I tell you WiFi and cellular mutation is real: as you’re listening to “COMPUTER HEALING” currently, it’s actually triplicating the molecules in your body, so like: フェニックスの尾.

Put in the rumble pack, baby, because this post goes double-time! GOLDEN LIVING ROOM’s newest EP WELCOME HOME is out NOW on Dream Catalogue™ and TAHRC, and why you ain’t got it yet or aren’t playing it right now, I don’t know, HERE:

• Golden Living Room: https://soundcloud.com/goldenlivingroom
• Dream Catalogue™: http://dreamcatalogue.bandcamp.com
• TAHRC: http://www.thisaintheavenrc.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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