Buy now! The “New Nostalgia” machine from GOLDEN LIVING ROOM can be yours TODAY. Peer into yourself as you remember the good times sitting in your living quarters, playing video games, watching sports, laxing, etc., as your virtual self stares back at these memories, creating what we like to call “New Nostalgia.” Remember the time your virtual self watched your real self fight Guile as Ryu on infinite time, four outta five to win, VERY HARD difficulty, and increased handicap? Or when you chose to have a second camera installed so you can see yourself spilling a Big Gulp while your favorite team won the trophy? It’s heaven. Speaking of heaven, you can ALSO draw upon our satellite cams so you can watch your physical self buy lunch and eat it as you’re logged into the digital world, creating “New Nostalgia.”

Scope new video (made by Mark Fingerhut) above for GOLDEN LIVING ROOM’s “New Nostalgia.” Fortune 500 and This Ain’t Heaven Recording Concern will be going a joint release of GOLDEN LIVING ROOM’s newest New Nostalgia Feb. 11 for the digital and end of Feb. for the physical. But when it ALL comes down to it, where are you REALLY right now?

• GOLDEN LIVING ROOM: https://soundcloud.com/goldenlivingroom
• Fortune 500: http://fortune500.bandcamp.com
• This Ain’t Heaven Recording Concern: https://www.facebook.com/tahrc

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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