♫♪  Grandmilly & Shozae - “Graffiti”

Have you ever seen the movie, Adventureland? If not, it’s basically Caddyshack in an amusement park, but with Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart and Ryan Reynolds all playing exactly the characters you’d imagine. A fair portrait of white-suburbanite collegeiate malaise, it’s nothing like the real Adventureland. Yes, Adventureland is a real place, but it’s not in Western Pennsylvania as the 2009 bromantic blahmedy would have you believe (I’m just riffing here btw, the flick ain’t that bad). It’s in Farmingdale, NY, and although that town’s doing the bar/restaurant/brick sidewalk/unaffordable apartment thing lately, the Adventureland I remember is closer in spirit to the menacing grimace evoked by Grandmilly & Shozae’s latest video, “Graffiti.” It’s not an evil carinval, or anything tired like that, but well, your cotten candy might could get eaten, see.

Also, Grandmilly & Shozae are on Stone’s Throw now (!!!), and their first album for the label, Adventureland, will be out this summer. (Talk about “The writing’s on the wall.”) Celebrate this beautiful news by streaming the hell out of this amazing video.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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