♫♪  Gussy - “Looking At Myself (Air Max ‘97 Remix)”

Il est plus aisé de connoître l’homme en général que de connoître un homme en particulier
— La Rouchefoucauld

“Know thyself”
— Socrates / Drake

The human condition of the 21st century is that of tormented narcissism, or at least that’s one trendy maxim thrown around to explain the phenomenon of selfie culture. I, however, don’t buy into such outright cynicism. In fact, I feel pretty good after waltzing through the “house of mirrors” that is social media. It’s a good exercise in self-acceptance, because no matter the quality of my last insta post, I always manage to find something I don’t like. Same goes with a mirror: I always feel like I’m fighting off some 3rd party cynicism whenever I catch my own gaze. And most the time, I’m just like, fuck it.

I’m pretty sure that’s what’s going on in the video for Air Max ‘97’s remix of Gussy’s “Looking at Myself”: Gussy saying “fuck it,” dancing away in an attempt to dilute the negative commentary scrolling across the bottom of the screen. Because what else can you do?

Watch the video above, and check out Air Max ‘97’s wonderful HPE EP here.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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