♫♪  Idea Fire Company - Lost at Sea [teaser video]

Last month, WE told you all about how the indefatigable experimental artist/impresario/presumed left-hander Sean McCann was gearing up to release a new LP (the follow-up to 2011’s rad Music From the Impossible Salon) from the Idea Fire Company entitled Lost at Sea, on his Recital label.

But YOU, in your haste, barely skimmed the first paragraph of that story, and basically NONE of it stuck with you once you closed the tab. Well, FOR SHAME. Because the album came out last week, and Mr. (or maybe Dr? Probably Dr… I mean, let’s just go with “Dr.”) McCann went through the trouble of making a special promo video for the thing.

Now, given the premises above, I think you’ll agree that the LEAST you could do is cozy-up to this browser tab and watch this teaser video. Maybe twice, if you can. Though I know: that’s asking an awful lot of you.

• Idea Fire Company: http://anti-naturals.org
• Recital: http://www.recitalprogram.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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