♫♪  JJJJOSUE - “All The Time”

Even in the lo-fi western mass bromance / soap opera we call Dark World, JJJJOSUE seems impromptu.

The circling roundabout of that hazy synth pad, the flaky joints, the stubble, those extra JJJJs, the “im tryna try”. Only the vague muscle memory of a hardcore dance, arms at right angles, synchronized briefly at 0.39, seems orchestrated.

Effortless, JJJJOSUE has shed the bare-chested eulogies and VHS grit of his 2015 debut for an autotuned ballad of blurring vowels, never going anywhere but gorgeous while it treads the water.

Who is this suburban boys-only cru that spend their days making videos and songs about spending their days smoking weed?

The contradictions of Dark (Light) World (W. Mass) percolate out: inviting yet a clique, piss-taking yet prolific, swaggering yet intimate, reveling in mundane lolz but reaching hard for those drunk guy philosophies.

“i wanna kno y some1 would hurt a beautiful creature like yourself”.

and who’s hurting here?

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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