♫♪  Julian Cubillos - “I Explode the Bully with My Mind”

There we go… now that’s what it feels like to have blood pumping through your veins. It’s incredible how easily we forget and also how easily we remember once we hear a drummer who knows not to let the fucker sag, and a guitar player who knows it’s easiest to sink your teeth into something that’s got some real meat on it. By the time the saxophones (yeah, saxophones!) swing their way in, it’s like finally moving that piece of steak through a clogged artery; a moment of rock ‘n’ roll clarity. This animated video (created by Anibal Bley) is an instant eye-addiction, too: funny, weird, completely mesmerizing. Also, someone wanna tell me who the fucking drummer is?

Grab the single from the Tiny Montgomery label.

• Julian Cubillos: http://juliancubillos.com
• Tiny Montgomery: http://tinymontgomery.net

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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