♫♪  Lambros Pigounis - “Micropolitics of Noise”

From March 10 to April 24 of this year, Athens-based sound artist Lambros Pigounis tormented his body with eight hours of abyssal sonics per day. His long duration performance piece, Micropolitics of Noise, explored frequencies, vibrations, and how “noise can be used as a weapon.” Performed at the Benaki Contemporary Museum in Athens, Pigounis’s work was part of As One, a group show organized by a NEON (a Greek non-profit) and the Marina Abramovic Institute (natch).

A new video boils the 324 hour ordeal down to a tidy, four minute clip to be enjoyed in as much comfort as possible. It appears to have been a fascinating performance, and the commentary is thoughtful. Prolonged sound assault led the artist to a deep experience of three general categories of stress response: fight, flight, and freeze. The video shows daily observations written on the walls surrounding the performance space. The writing is eventually spray painted over, forming a visual parallel to Pigounis’s summation that “when I am asked to talk about my experiences of this process I am simply left speechless.”

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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