It’s down right silly lee’s work hasn’t been covered by TMT yet. Yeah, I said it: silly. How have we overlooked his musical mosaics up until now? He’s only making some of the most original and dense sample based beats on this lil’ ol’ rotatin’ rock (see: this), and we’re just now getting around to covering it? Geesh louise! What the heck have we been doing? Living under a lil’ ol’ rotatin’ rock for Pete’s sake?
Well, that’s all in the past, so get over it, will ya? His latest album, ( u _ u ) (!), is slowly creeping its way into the hearts and minds of yungins all across this lil’ ol’ rotatin’ rock, so if you know what’s good for for you and don’t want to look like a schmuck, you’ll start paying attention to this man’s unique tunes. Basically, each one is a smorgasbord of layers and melancholy, mixing old soul shouts and one-shots of dialogue with snippets of broken melodies, vinyl scuffs and blemishes, as well as those much beloved post-Dilla drums everyone and their grandma seems to be employing these days. So, yeah, they all fucking rule.
Above, if your peepers and fingers dare to venture, is a video for “♨︎♨︎♨︎” (double !), which is off ( u _ u ). The song is a collaboration with Bugseed, and the video compliments the mood of the song pretty darn well, if I do say so myself… And I do. Milky!!!
The entirety of ( u _ u ) is streaming below, too. But more importantly, the album is being released by Odd Castles in a limited run of 100 cassettes, and you can preorder your copy right here.
• lee:
• Odd Castles:
More about: lee (asano+ryuhei) + Bugseed