Royalty sucks, but “King” by Live Island doesn’t. I’m confused. But maybe its all this pinned nostalgia that’s making me crazy. Glum synthesisers hovering over drum machines, machining drums and drumming machines to death, security cameras, sculptures, digital humans, earth shitted on by computers… %)… Whoa! That cot damn lead synth line got me going for a second. Was getting some heavy vibes rustling within. Back to the subject at hand. “King” is being released via a 10” piece of what cool-kids and hip-adults call vinyl on Acoustic Division, and the visuals for the video were supplied by fellow Lexington, Kentucky resident and all-around #1 stunna Robert Beatty. So, yeah, you should probably watch this video already.
• Live Island:
• Robert Beatty:
• Acoustic Division:
More about: Live King