♫♪  Michael RJ Saalman - “Softley”

Aww, man. So, I’m very hot and cold with this Michael RJ Saalman release Lxus Shaq that Illuminated Paths and Crash Symbols is sharing. Below is the entirety of Lxus Shaq, and some tracks are fucking KILLER, but others fall drastically flat. Then I found there’s been a video made for the song “Softley,” so inevitably I watched it. And the visual fuckery around the fellah in the video is tite. Oh man, I love you guys: Illuminated Paths and Crash Symbols. Always tryna do good/right to y’all.

Michael RJ Saalman has an excellent voice and a working knowledge of production and mixing and music making, and it’s flagrant within Lxus Shaq. As well, the Lxus Shaq remixes are SUPER tite. But judge it all for yourself. You may find light:

• Michael RJ Saalman: https://soundcloud.com/michaelrjsaalman
• Illuminated Paths: http://illuminatedpaths.bandcamp.com
• Crash Symbols: http://crashsymbols.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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