♫♪  Minden - “Gold Standard”

Hello, and welcome to a great music video by a great band. Minden comes from Portland, although the group has some ties to Kansas City, where I believe this brilliant clip was created and the band was originally formed by the very talented songwriter Casey Burge. Decoder just excellently premiered the excellent lead cut from the band’s excellent forthcoming debut recording, Exotic Cakes. Further research (i.e., going to the band’s website) revealed this gem of a video, which… well, it sort of speaks for itself, and loudly — as in the obnoxiously loud, hot pink spandex’d booties shakin’ it in the yarn store here. Everything about Minden is everything that I love about life. And ultimately what I’m trying to say is that Minden is a band that is all about sex. It seethes from this music’s deep pockets of rhythm, effervesces from the smokey vocal harmonies, then kicks you where it hurts when the genius turns of lyrical phrase and sizzling one-liners make you realize it doesn’t all necessarily have to be about sex. But the bass playing? Sheer, unadulterated sex, people.

The self-released Exotic Cakes hits vinyl this Fall. Sex.

• Minden: http://www.mindenband.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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