♫♪  Muyassar Kurdi - “Chaos”

In a clever mix of visual and audio, interdisciplinary performer and musician Muyassar Kurdi brings an unnerving peace to “Chaos.” With an angelically shuddering hark and reverberated strummed strings echoing throughout, Muyassar Kurdi’s blending of mirror-mashed and contort-choreography explores artistry on existential and maximalist levels. Though, by no means are each discipline being practiced in the video for “Chaos” maximalist; contrary to the full package, Muyassar Kurdi traverses subversive minimalism to acquire such a glorious (and very careful) display of fine art. And potentially an “avant garde” middle ground, but using “avant garde” in anything these days is like calling How To Pimp A Butterfly pop and Kamasi’s The Epic jazz (for your reference). But when it comes down to it, Muyassar Kurdi’s entire video for “Chaos” is artisanal. Actually, it looks like something my fiancée and I would come across being filmed in the woods while we go for a hike, which would probably be the only thing better than seeing “Chaos” in full.

“Chaos” is on a forthcoming album Ascending by Muyassar Kurdi, and the track sounds so bold, I just might make it the bridal chorus for my wedding in eight days.

• Muyassar Kurdi: http://muyassarkurdi.com
• Muyassar Kurdi: https://muyassarkurdi.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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