♫♪  Mykki Blanco - “The Initiation”

The most impressive overall attribute of Mykki Blanco, and what errrrybody is talking about, is her unflinching straight-fac… [sorry, no] pokerface. Physically. Figuratively. Metaphorically. Sexually. It’s all she’s about. Like, in “The Initiation” video, not only is she possessing my ears completely (with a little production help from Sinden), but the way she crawls and tosses away a random hat like they just lie around in this world — yeah, I’m convinced. Oh, shit, another secret club/entrance? Secret code delivered by a secret face? ‘_’ face. Mykki is queen of the iron fist? (Duhh). Anyone else begging the universe for a physical Mykki Blanco release? Just to reach out and touch a piece of her, amirite? More so, don’t y’all think she’d come out with something more than just a vinyl/CD/CS/DVD? Anyone else love how UNO NYC is flagrantly [non]existent when tuning into their homepage? Listen to Mykki Blanco’s new EP Betty Rubble: The Initiation here.

• Mykki Blanco: http://mykkiblancoworld.com
• UNO NYC: http://www.unonyc.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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