♫♪  Oxykitten - “Cow Bear”

Well. If I have to tease out some delicate meaning from Oxykitten’s video for “Cow Bear” (and trust me, dear reader, I do — that’s my job), I guess I’d start by pointing out how any sort of sorrow seems it may be mitigated by the grace of omnipotent and benevolent Cat God. Attack of stiff-limbed alien with unsettling chest-mounted proboscis? CAT GOD. Abduction of gentle and genial young daughter by radioactive emerald pyramid? Dry your tears, here’s Cat God. Apocalyptic atomic tidal wave devour the shore of retro-NYC? Just don Cat God mask, all is well. WINK.

Oxykitten is defying more of your culturally normative notions on Field Hymns with The Streets Were Paved With Circuit Boards.

• Oxykitten: http://oxykitten.com
• Field Hymns: http://www.fieldhymns.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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