Fuck you. I’m covering a RiFF RAFF affiliated track. Nobody actually knows who that dude in the red/black shirt is in relation to “HOW TO BE THE MAN” (OFFiCiAL TEXAS REMiX ViDEO). Maybe he just rolled up on ‘em and acted like he owned the place. And by place, I mean the abandoned market behind them that’s (maybe) a galleria of different drug manufacturing operations. Or, it’s just about to be torn down and hanging there right before is beyond Lil B #VERYRARE. The video is whack too, but I’m down for it as a head-rest screen banger. Haven’t heard about PAUL WALL in a LONNNNNNNG ASS minute either, but he probably realized this prior to being invited to participate in “HOW TO BE THE MAN” (OFFiCiAL TEXAS REMiX ViDEO), thinking to himself, “Next time I gotta KILL it!” ….he actually does too!

SLiM THUG’s part as the only other raci…. WHOA!!!! Damn it. God damn it, I just LOL’d so hard at RiFF RAFF’s BET tattoo that my asshole laughed harder and there’s shit just oozing out cracks and the noxious smell is seeping into my nostrils and nostrils of work neighbors and people are looking around as “HOW TO BE THE MAN” (OFFiCiAL TEXAS REMiX ViDEO) flares off very clearly from my headphones on my desk and people have noticed me sweating, but if I get up, I can’t EVER come back here, so in conclusion — as my seat starts to soak and my butt skin starts to wrinkle like your fingers do if you’re in the pool too long — FUCK RiFF RAFF!!!!

• RiFF RAFF: http://jodyhighroller.com
• SLiM THUG: http://www.bosshoggoutlawz.com
• PAUL WALL: http://paulwallbaby.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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