When examined within the context of RYOICHI KUROKAWA’s previous audio/visual installations, oscillating continuum is sparse and meditative. In 2011, Kurokawa created syn_, an album length movie with a soundtrack from the guts of a Windows 98 processor, and ground, which addresses the terrors of war and disaster in the Middle East by manipulating news broadcasts to create a living, melting portrait. His latest work is like a TMA-1 — a monolithic block of brushed aluminum laid on its side like a futuristic sarcophagus, projecting sparse, ephemeral blasts of particles and noise. It becomes difficult to watch the blaring white screen, so devoid of matter, one imagines it to fill up with lavish colors and landscapes, as we’ve come to expect from high resolution computers. Instead, the waveforms are the architecture of explosively harsh noise, and Kurokawa demonstrates absolute control over his medium by playing with sounds that cannot be controlled. Like we pictured the landscape to fill in all that white space, we imagine a melody and harmony as well, one that can make sense out of all the uncertainty. While much of Kurokawa’s work could translate well to a musical performance, oscillating continuum is better suited for a quiet, empty room somewhere in France (Brussels is close enough) where it can command your full attention.
• Ryoichi Kurokawa: http://www.ryoichikurokawa.com/bio.html