♫♪  Samantha Glass - “Human Voice”

It’s constant madness to continue building my cassette collection. I want specific sounds/moods, and the length has to be just right. There’s only a specific amount of slots I have on my rack before I have to start selling ‘em off too. Also, if I continue to listen, the further these tapes will degrade and warp; I only buy music that’ll enhance that effect later. So, to make the cut means a lot. Call me biased, but it seems Britt and ‘Manda over at Not Not Fun know my ear bone way well. After scoping Samantha Glass’ 2011 Digitalis and Not Not Fun cassettes, Glass’ fourthcoming release, Midnight Arrival, should be a keeper. Mmm, all this late-night driving music makes my foot heavy. #neonlights #wavingalot #windowcracked

• Samantha Glass: http://samanthaglass.bandcamp.com
• Not Not Fun: http://notnotfun.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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