♫♪  Sannhet - “Atrium”

Welcome to your new city, your new apartment. Some fucking band practices next door all the damn time. You want to complain, but how entitled do you feel? They were here first, after all. And they seem to have some things in common with you: reverence for architecture, structure, organizational skills, room to breath. And they don’t turn up until they know what they’re doing.

Little do you or Sannhet know that some Chauncey pervert’s watching y’all 24/7.

Will we see the face of the murderer, or will we watch the further disintegration of our narrator as they collapse into even greater analog deformations of light and movement, like some abstract visual component to “Dolly” Dillon in A Hell of a Woman?

The answers to these questions, and more, as Sannhet recites a slick “big sky” style instrumental over raw black and white stock footage of the control room that went on to inspire Baldwin’s control room in Sliver.

• Sannhet: https://sannhet.bandcamp.com
• The Flenser: http://theflenser.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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