Is shit like “Take It Slow” or really ANYTHING with guitars as a focal instrument LOL to anyone else in today’s modern music? Like, it’s mildly archaic now, right? For example, when you see bards and chamber bands playing pubs in movies, you think, “Holy shit, that’s fuckin’ old-ass music.” It’s like that, but people are still serious about it. Thus, I’m curious what SECRET COLOURS is more about: the imitation of OTHER rock bands as an aesthetic or embracing rock aesthetics through something progressive I’m missing as a listener in “Take It Slow.”
So, I’ll suggest that I enjoy the candidness of their music, as my attention is directed to this through the randomness of the “Take It Slow” video — which the video is super fun — just reminds me of my constant question, “People are still trying to learn guitar and not more progressive electronics and computers and shit?” Though, in rock and roll, it’s all about showmanship now, and through this video, it seems like it’d be REAL cool to roadie with SECRET COLOURS. They’d probz know ALL the chill spots ‘cause since 2010, they’ve been on a roll with releases. SHIT! All self produced too? Yo, TRUE “indie” artists right here. Like how Mel Gibson paid every dime for the Passion of the Christ and made it his modern “indie” flick, but then everyone made a drinking game out of it.
You can make a drinking game to SECRET COLOURS’ newest album Positive Distractions now, or you can grip it on CD/LP/CS via their Bandcamp! True entrepreneurship starts with a single chord, no? ;)