Following up where Nicky Hendo-slice left off with Postlife Digital’s Nekophiliac (a tape which I HAD to snag the rEEality of…), Shisa comin’ at listeners with a heavy load of THE INTERNET. And them colors don’t run. No matter HOW sultry it gets, the sweat on your back will run it’s course. Whether you’re sitting at work, in class, on the subway or bus, it don’t matter, your phone/computer will DEFINITELY get it’s leeeean on…. to these beat sways and rhythm inversions. Oh, and the lady going 90’s post-apocalyptic is a WAY hawt Monday style. Next year’s Halloween costume anyone? Twinsees? I’m down.
Shisa may be too. The fellah been making music for a minute. Scope the Bandcamp below, and download his newest album here ASAP. Like, yesterday. Like, the day before it dropped files.
• Shisa:
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