♫♪  Stationer - “Blues for the Bees”

Jakub Tomaszczuk’s Stationer project should probably be on your radar. The Polish producer dropped his incredible new tape on See Sight Records, also based out of Poland, and kids, it’s a stunner. Heady electronics for days; shoegaze meets IDM meets synthesizer ambience. Oh, it’s like Stationer’s found the soft creamy center of my nougat soul and curled up inside it to hibernate over the coming winter months. (Yeah I can swirl my metaphors together, sue me.)

Speaking of swirling stuff together, Urszula Domańska animated the title track for our viewing pleasure, and it’s a head trip of tactile visual stimulus. Like paint on a canvas come to life, Domańska follows Stationer’s every palpitating and oscillating impulse, trading in greens and blues as well as ambient black. What follows is a mesmerizing dash headlong through abstraction, a visual treat accompanying hyperactive audio. When it all finally slows to digitized and glitched angelic voices, Domańska drops us into a static state of black backgrounds and white pixilations. Only then can you really breathe again…

You were holding your breath too, right?

There’s a special edition tape from See Sight Records that actually comes with a cool scarf! There are only ten of these though. Hop on the bandwagon before it takes off.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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