♫♪  Sully - “Blue”

Since the beginning of time, folks are all about UPDATING things like 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, etc. With “Blue,” Sully is updating and fetishizing a vintage sound, digging into 90s jungle for sure. Purists, basically the equivalent of a music nerd English Parliament, might say “NAY! leave that shit behind;” but, WOAH — I was like two years old in 1994 and in 2014 why not take the amen break out for a spin? Here, we’re getting jungle-souped-up “Sully-style” breakbeats popping off like a chorus of angels spitting club-fire into our ears, and I say “YAY!” The beat is a classic sound served like sashimi from “pure” waters — fresh and juicy — a HI-FI fish. I’m not trying to hate on Parliament, in fact I’m not even trying to talk fish or politics! I dig those Simon Reynolds essays and I think the hardcore continuum is really neat and makes a lot of sense. BUT, at least for my young beating heart, this track is giving me a modern avenue into a part of history I WISH I could have been around to experience. Also, all those contemporary synths, bells and midi-choir stuff just help accentuate how “Blue” is all about the break, and the break will always be raw-as-fuck.

Jump into the flow of a post-post-x1000-hardcore continuum, and check out the elegant video above.

• Sully: https://soundcloud.com/sully-e64
• Keysound Recordings: http://keysoundrecordings.co.uk

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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