♫♪  Tara King th. - “Mutuelle Appreciation”

Didn’t know how I felt about this video for “Mutuelle Appreciation,” considering I drove to work today listening to Hirondelle Et Beretta, the newest Tara King th. release on Moon Glyph. My hesitation stirred at first thinking Tara King th. in general is a Vox Populi rip-off, or just some hack from Tampa getting “retro” and French for the fuck of it. Well, I was genuinely wrong. The second bit of hesitation arose when I felt like a video to this FAUX and exceptionally well Cinemascoped cassette would be killing the imaginative listening vibe that spreads on thick in sound. Not to mention that Hirondelle Et Beretta was brilliantly recorded onto cassette, which is where you’d hear the soundtrack-esque style of song writing Tara King th. submits to: 60s foreign spy/terror/monster b-movie put on VHS around ‘88. But the visuals for “Mutuelle Appreciation” don’t get too airy. At least, it remains as unspecific as the vocals of the song.

For real, Tara King th. is an interesting personality to invest in. “Mutuelle Appreciation” is merely the tip of her iceberg, as Hirondelle Et Beretta gets deep in musical lore, like many cassettes have been dabbling in this year, and keeps on promising listeners everywhere. I guarantee, if you reel the entire cassette on your own, you’ll start telling people, “Oh, oh — this is the scene where… [imagination ensues].” Scope Moon Glyph immediate for Hirondelle Et Beretta by Tara King th. and feel your brain chemicals pump to the tide of music.

• Tara King th.: http://www.tkth.com
• Moon Glyph: http://moonglyph.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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