2015: Third Quarter Favorites 20 picks from the third quarter of the year

This feature is made possible by Cymbal, a music-sharing app powered by friends, not algorithms. Download and join Tiny Mix Tapes, Domino, Spotify, The Needle Drop, Def Jam, NPR, and many more. [What is this?]

For each year's first three quarters, we celebrate by sharing a list of our favorite music releases. Unlike our year-end lists, these quarter features are casually compiled, with an aim to spotlight the underdogs and the lesser-heard among the more popular picks. More from this series


Chelsea Wolfe - Abyss

Color Plus - Netcika
DeJ Loaf - #AndSeeThatsTheThing
easyFun - easyMix
EVOL - Flapper That

FKA twigs - M3LL155X

Frog Eyes - Pickpocket’s Locket
Good Willsmith - Snake Person Generation
Helm - Olympic Mess
Kane West - Expenses Paid

Kuedo - Assertion of a Surrounding Presence

Laughing Eye Weeping Eye - Once Was You
Machine Girl - Gemini: HEAVEN/HELL
Miguel - Wildheart
Patrick Higgins - Social Death Mixtape

+you - World Tour

RetcH - Finesse The World
RP Boo - Fingers, Bank Pads & Shoe Prints
Tink - Winter’s Diary 3
toiret status - ObenjO

For each year's first three quarters, we celebrate by sharing a list of our favorite music releases. Unlike our year-end lists, these quarter features are casually compiled, with an aim to spotlight the underdogs and the lesser-heard among the more popular picks. More from this series

This feature is made possible by Cymbal, a music-sharing app powered by friends, not algorithms. Download and join Tiny Mix Tapes, Domino, Spotify, The Needle Drop, Def Jam, NPR, and many more. [What is this?]

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