Mix Tapes

Songs for a misty Scottish autumn in Glasgow

I want to strap some headphones on my belly and blare some tunes to get my fetus excited about entering this world

I’ve never seen Titanic or The Sound of Music

The first 5 songs you think about when you hear “Germany”

I want songs that make it seem like Jeff Mangum is sad that I lost a girl

Songs that go na na na

Mixtape for the indie dyke in love

I’m suburban white and upper-middle class… fuck this

The Sexiest Music of 2000-2010

Songs To Accompany Winter Walks

Kyootest Indie Songs Having To Do With Love

Okay, we’re over. Can we still have sex, though?

I just agreed to drive home for Christmas with my roommate who I hate. I can’t stand her after 5 minutes; let’s see what happens after 13 hours.

Songs for someone who keeps hearing about Chillwave but hasn’t actually heard anything beyond Panda Bear or Ariel Pink

All I want to do is smoke a blunt, listen to dubstep, and have sex with you

Jazz that doesn’t sound like the theme song to Everybody Loves Raymond