Mix Tapes
I’m so fucking gay, but nobody knows
Neon Purple in the Daytime
Losing the EU Referendum OST
The weather’s amazing, but I’m too anxious to go outside. I just stare at all the emails I have to write.
Music for Corporate Espionage
I never finish anything.
I look at architecture, but hear no sound. Do you hear what I see?
I am a Columbia recording artist and recently went 75. I only cover lame songs. Be my Rick Rubin and select me some strong songs to cover.
Consummate Boudoir Technician
These are deep breaths to make me feel less nauseous
I’m dating Martin Shkreli
I’ve got a crush on my romantically unavailable boss!
The internet makes me sad, but I don’t think I can live without it
3/4 folk
I think I might like ambient music