Mix Tapes
Song that have a positive meaning, but aren’t boring or too old.
Beautiful female vocals
summer romance comes to an unavoidably sad end
Songs about Socioeconomic status
You’re so hot but I need to get the fuck over this bullshit.
So, We’re Friends… with Chemistry?
I realized too late that you are worthwhile, now you can’t really see me.
Why aren’t we dating…?
I didn’t want to be a criminal… I wanted to be a pirate!
songs for a boi who writes all his mails in a piss-off antedeluvian LOTR lover fashion.
A Math Rock Playlist
Music I can break a wall with
I like porn, but I hate that bow-chika-wahh-wahh music. Let’s put that fucker on mute and play some real sex music.
An eight-hour road trip with my dad who likes country when I like classic rock
I want some dubstep that will destroy my sound system