Mix Tapes

Your site is called Tiny Mix Tapes… No mixtapes in over 6 months… LAME

Who am I and where am I going

The Top Ten Saddest Songs You’ve Heard

If I read one more mopey indie girl first world problem mixtape title, I’ll hang myself with my macbook air’s power cord

A mixtape for the walk to home after a night of drinking, the sun is slowly rising.

for a foggy summer

A playlist for walking through the forest in the beggining of summer

punk summer drive


A Summer Playlist for a Girl That Doesn’t Want To Be Sad Anymore.

Songs for a Summer with Bonfires and Friends

Summer ‘12

summer songs for 2011

I would like to stay happy for more than three week intervals. My PMDD is ruining my summer already.

D –> I require, ahem, some horse songs, neigh that I shall be a f001

Everyone’s Got A Little Sociopath In Them, Right?