Mix Tapes

We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl

Music for My Pet Pirate Unicorn

Songs for cleaning my scrotum!!

One Last Too-Late Taste Of Summer

Songs that make me want to party like it’s 1985 among neon-clad party goers


It’s that time of year again – yes, fall, autumn, whatever you call it. It’s the best time of year.

Songs for an Autumn Evening Stroll Around the City

I’m moving alone to California this Fall

Songs that catch the new fall chill coming through my window

Sitting alone, Smoking a bowl, Relaxing

I don’t like you, but I still feel empty when you’re not around.

This is a library, but don’t be quiet.

The love of your life left, and your heart is so broken that you’re dead inside and feel indifferent to life.

Music For Dead Malls

The past six or so mix tapes contained the word “fuck.” Give me some nice clean songs.