Mix Tapes

Headphones on. Eyes closed. Music: take me away. ALTERNATE VERSION.

It’s now been a full moon for three days, has space stopped?

I chased my dreams…failed…and now I’m 25, back to reality, with a 9 to 5 job.

I was an African princess in another life; now I’m trapped in a white girl’s body.

The musical embodiment of soul-wrenching regret.

Songs that are happy and sad at the same time.
The 7 Deadly Sins

The best (K-Pop) songs that I’ve never heard

The best songs that I’ve never heard [pt. 2]

The best songs that I’ve never heard [pt. 1]

Songs that would be okay if they came alive and fucked you

Where have all the cowboys gone?

Fell in Love with a Fictional Character and I Feel Pathetic
Hey, I don’t want to hear about all the sex you’ve had. I’d like a nice, clean mix tape pls

Songs to listen while running

It’s the summer and I like 1990s/2000s dance pop-type music. Help me convince my friends.